Takoyaki Apprentice

The reluctant hero, Ryuji is the third protagonist of Yakuza: Dead Souls. After being expelled by the Omi Alliance, he ended up in Kamurocho. He was taken in by "Pops" an elderly Takoyaki maker. Prior to the events of Dead Souls Nikaido,one of Ryuji's former guys, approaches him. They talk about Ryuji's former glory and making the Tojo Clan pay. Ryuji is very adamant about being left alone as he is no longer part of the Yakuza. He insists that his life is now as a takoyaki chef (though he is just an apprentice). When zombies start attacking the city Ryuji knows that Nikaido is involved. He starts scouring the city to find him.

Loner, Ryuji makes his entrance in the batting cages as he saves Akiyama Shun and Majima Goro from a hoard of zombies after their battle with Tsuchigumo. Tired and aching, the two men are struggling with the idea of fighting a new hoard. Ryuji steps in and takes an attack to his right arm. Moments later he blasts all the zombies with his gatling gun arm and says he's leaving. Although he fights for the same cause, to stop zombies, he insists that he is a lone wolf (which Majima states he is too, and Akiyama pretends to be). With that, Ryuji leaves to find Nikaido. He feels obligated to stop Nikaido and doesn't want to drag anyone else into the problem.

Son, finding a new family and a place to belong mattered very much to Ryuji. He insisted that he wanted nothing to do with Nikaido and his business. When Pops took Ryuji in, he decided that he would be the best damn takoyaki maker he could be. In fact, Ryuji might have failed as Goda's son but found a place he could be proud to call home. He looks through the quarantine zone for two reasons. One, to find and stop Nikaido; Two, to find Pops who had been missing since the outbreak started. When Ryuji finally catches up to Nikaido, he finds Pops has been turned into an octopus zombie and has to kill him.

Support, although reluctant to join anyone, Ryuji acts as the final partner for the last chapter. He supports Kiryu Kazuma, his former rival. He and Kazuma scale the Millennium Tower to put an end to Nikaido and DD. Ryuji feels responsible for the outbreak and Haruka's kidnapping. He has no problem working with his former rival so long as they have the same goal. When Haruka is about to get crushed by some falling debris, it is Ryuji who steps in and saves her. He shows no feelings of animosity or regret towards Haruka or Kazuma and might be even the slightest bit thankful. He wanted to save Nikaido but was unable to do so because of DD's intereference. Instead when they had the option to kill DD, Kazuma stopped him. At first annoyed, Ryuji states it is no less than he deserves when DD falls to his demise.

Ryuji finally gains his Freedom to live as he wants at the end of Dead Souls. He continues Pops's Takoyaki stand. Haruka and Kazuma stop by to pay him a visit and he treats them as he would any customer.