Star light, star bright, first star I see tonight. Wish I may, wish I might, make my wish come true tonight. Here we have plenty of star boys, just one in particular and he doesn't actually grant wishes. I never make that promise, not for someone else. This is a tribute to everyone's favorite samurai that floats through the sky, Hashiba Touma/Rowen Hashiba from Yoroiden Samurai Troopers/Ronin Warriors.

You are currently visiting STARSHINE UNLIMITED: Man with the Golden Bow one of several super special awesome Ronin Warriors Shrines. It's a come back, baby. A huge comeback! Filled with laughter, love, and candy (sugar? Maybe). Mostly filled with justice, fistbumps, and squeeing. That, I can promise.

~Snow ↣ Last updated on December 31, 2014
AmassmentEmotionFlesh for Fantasy

Neo's IRON FIST OF JUSTICE Kento SHRINE: Iron Rock Crusher Cherri's QUICK DRAW Fanatic Sage SHRINE: Divine Dragon Cannon Mikari's A Boy and his Cat: A Tale of Cute Felines, Adorable Eyes and Epic Shirtlessness Ryo Shrine The #GenkiJusticeParty's Under the Sea, A Just Keep Swimming tribute to Cye Mouri

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Hey Buckethead! Starshine Unlimited © 2014- Present Snow Rayjah.
Heaven's Network is Wide#GenkiJusticeParty
Yoroiden Samurai Troopers/Ronin Warriors © Sunrise, Hajime Yatate. All Rights Reserved.
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