I do not own Ronin Warriors or Yoroiden Samurai Troopers. All recognizable characters are copyright to their respective and awesome owners. This is just a fan site made to show love of an old anime. This is about having fun and bringing back something that I love. It's about having fun with friends. No copyright infringement or dishonor intended.

This site was coded in Notepad, graphic designed with Paint Shop Pro 8. All items were handed coded by Snow Rayjah Summer 2014. Site best viewed in 1200 x 800 resolution.

Why Starshine Unlimited: Man with the Golden Bow?

Despite its ridiculously long name, each part of the title has special meaning for me. First, starshine has to do with the fact that to find and save Rowen, Ryo journeys into space only to be saved by Rowen. Rowen's armor is powered by wind and seems to have the most to do air as a defining element. However, his attribute is knowledge which can be traced back to the desire to know more about the stars. Man gazed at the stars and studied all facets of life to understand them. The pursuit of knowledge is in the unknown and intangible. In fact, Rowen also has terrible sleeping habits and tends to stay up late becuase he loves to study. I get the idea he tends to be more of a night owl than anything else. Unlimited refers to the amount of arrows in his quiver. He has exactly as many arrows as he needs and I doubt they would ever run out; his energy to fire them would run out before his quiver would. Man with the Golden Bow references the fact that his bow is golden, that's all. Nothing super special, just that he is the man with the golden bow. Also, I wanted to make a James Bond reference.


This is the culmination of efforts, squeeing, and fist bumps by Neo, Snow, Cherri, and our wonderful supporter (cheerleader) Mikari (whom we later bribed with shirtless pictures convinced to make a Ryo shrine). We love Ronin Warriors. We love that Justice is their reward. We love the energy that has inspired and motivated us to move through these shrines. What is the Genki Justice Party? It is nothing short of pure awesome energy and love for happiness and friendship. With touches of ridiculous fan squeals, glitter, confetti, and fist bumps. Long story short, this is fun for us. I'll be honest though, I wanted this to be lighter hearted but Rowen and I tend to be a bit serious business. I still had fun with it, and that's what matters.

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Hey Buckethead! Starshine Unlimited © 2014- Present Snow Rayjah.
Heaven's Network is Wide#GenkiJusticeParty
Yoroiden Samurai Troopers/Ronin Warriors © Sunrise, Hajime Yatate. All Rights Reserved.
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