Numerology is interesting. To find out your number you add your birthday numbers together to try and create a single number (if you know about digital roots, that's what you're looking for). If you need an example, we'll use Rowen's birthday. Rowen's birthday is October 10, 1973. So, you look at the numbers 10, 10, 1973. Add them together individually, 1 + 0 + 1 + 0 + 1 + 9 + 7 + 3. This equals 22. Usually, one would reduce to the smallest possible. You don't do this for double digits 11, 22, or 33 as they are considered master numbers. (As it happens, I'm an 11.) The idea is that each number correlates to a specific personality and traits. And actually there's a lot to it, but on the basic scale this will cover what I need. And again, let's be real here, I've done research but it doesn't seem like anyone agrees. So, I'm defaulting to my first experience with this in which I added up all the numbers of my birth for the number. It may be wrong. I'm mostly speculating anyways!

Initially, I had made the number 22 into four as per usual requirements. However, when doing more research I noticed that basically 22 doubles the power of the four, so it still works for Rowen - indeed in such a way that helps to balance out some of the traits. For that reason, I've included the descriptions and ideas from both to give a more rounded idea.

Don't worry, Ryo. I'll save the guys!Twenty two is considered to be the Master Builder. They are confident, ambitious, pragmatic, and disciplined. The strength of these traits allows them to turn their lofty dreams into realities. Gapping the bridge to the dynasty and saving Ryo with the guys, using himself as bait to save the guys, Rowen tends to have a flair for making the impossible possible. At their worst, their impracticality and self-imposed pressure can get the better of them. He also tends to take on too much himself and can end up captured or caught. Such as when he tries to save the guys and gets thrown into the dynasty or when Suzunagi claims him first in Message. His idea of having to do the job himself puts him in distress and unable to act. Albeit, his going by himself allowed the other guys to collect information and understanding which ultimately led to creating new and more righteous armor.

Twenty two's strength lies in the intuition of 11 and the grounded behaviors of four. This makes 22 ambitious yet disciplined. Which in turn makes them particularly successful as long as they tone down on the self-pressure and focus on their limitless opportunities. Didn't the Ancient tell Rowen to know his limitations? I think I mentioned that he gave magic armor to a kid that understood how things worked and could thus make anything happen.

Now, onto four. Four is considered the Salt of the Earth. They tend to be "disciplined, strong, stable, pragmatic, down-to-earth, reliable, dependable, hard-working, extracting, precise, methodical, conscientious, frugal, devoted, patriotic and trustworthy". Most of which fit Rowen very well, as he is considered extremely capable and reliable (actually just the whole list but I've already covered a lot of these in other sections, so I'm trying not to repeat)! On the downside, fours can "pay for their stability and pragmatism by tending toward the boring side". As someone who studies often, some of Rowen's hobbies may seem boring. In addition, fours tend to have trouble with "imagination, emotions, empathy" - although this does fit Rowen, what actually happens to him is that while he is capable of expressing all of these things, he prioritizes them in a way that often makes others feel as though he is being cold. Point in case, in the second OAV when Ryo and Sage go missing, Cye is having an identity crisis. Rowen points out that their first goal is to find Ryo and Sage, that with a calm head they can do it, and then they will discuss Cye's desire to stop fighting. In third OAV, even Rowen admits that he was very tired of the fighting, but his desire to find Ryo and Sage was stronger than his desire not to fight. This in turn caused some trouble between Rowen and Cye. Eventually they get everything worked out, but the way Rowen prioritizes things makes him seem very aloof, especially when he's trying to keep everyone calm and focused.

Snow, seriously, you're still goin' on about that? However, the main point of connecting everything to four is mostly to focus on this: a four "may not bother to put much care into their appearance, and their social awkwardness can make them seem vulgar, crude or jealous." I will never know if Rowen cares about his appearance. I just wanted another chance to point out that popped collar. Although, fours tend to be dependable and goal oriented. They know what they want and how to get it. They tend to have difficulty in social situations (Rowen, seriously, people don't understand your thoughts if you don't explain them). Of the traits for four, Rowen notices every detail, seems to remember everything (I swear the boy is a human computer with as much as he shares about everything), and goes all out when he takes on a task.

What point was I making here? Something about numbers? That somehow led me back to popped collars? How was the cyclical? Anyways! Overall, I find that the basic idea of numerology quite fascinating as it does relate some very dominant personality traits (and fashion, apparently) for Rowen!

Sources: Twenty Two, Four

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