I'm sure there are a ton of myths and stories about golden arrows. Off the top of my head Eros and Apollo come to mind. For that reason, these two are the only ones I'll cover. Not to say that others are irrelevant just that these are the ones I'm most familiar with and thus somewhat articulate about. Let's face it, I kind of want you to take me seriously and with as much fun as I'm having, that's a hard thing to do.

SHINE! First, I'll start with the general idea that Eros was the one with golden arrows. He used them to strike the hearts of people and make them fall in love with the first person they saw. Much to Apollo's dismay this happened with a woman named Daphne (and she was struck with a lead arrow which made her flee). Eventually she dies and overcome with grief Apollo makes the laurels for her as a memorial item. Beautiful, I suppose! My basic idea here is that they both had golden arrows. Some stories state that Apollo had a silver bow and golden arrows, some say both were silver. However, many stories also suggest that Apollo was given a golden bow and arrows in contrast to his twin sister's silver. She was blessed with unlimited arrows, stands to reason daddy dearest would present her brother with the same gift. That's why I have this section. Considering the divinity or heavenly aspect it would make sense that the arrows of the Strata (heaven) armor would also have an unlimited quantity. In addition, the "sun" light is harsher or more vibrant (thus golden) than the moon light (silver). So, that correlation might have more to do with it than the actual color or translation of particular mythology.

I only need three good shots. However, one of my favorites stories is the idea that Apollo is an over achiever. He excels in everything he does (this also fits with our clever starboy). At four days old he took his golden bow and arrows and slew the snake, Python that had threatened his mother and injured people and livestock. It makes me wonder, then, why Rowen and Sekhmet never had a show down. (In my mind they do, and Sekhmet loses horribly.) I got distracted. My whole point for this section is that I believe Rowen's golden arrows and bow come from the idea of heavens. His armor itself is "heaven" or sky based. Based in mythology this makes sense for a divine light, such as showing people the way. In this vein, Apollo was an oracle, able to see the future and spoke only the truth. This is interesting for me in the idea that all of Rowen's rivals end up becoming protagonists. They "saw the light" as it were.

I am quite under the impression that Rowen's quiver houses an unlimited amount of arrows. In all likelihood his energy to fire them would run out before his quiver. I feel that in general, although his armor gives him great power, speed, and capability he's still human. He still has to listen to the strain on his body (which can be healed by said armor). I'm intrigued by the idea that wind/heavens give Rowen his power in which he is usually out of his element in comparison to the others. Rather, he is farther away from anything that could quite naturally power and sustain his armor. Perhaps his abilities come from the combination of his armor power and his ability to reason quickly and effectively. Perhaps he uses less energy than I think he does (what with my limited archery skills).

Shot go! There are two other points I'd like to make. One, he shot Anubis point blank (which I've mentioned a million times). I feel this is one thing that ultimately leads to Anubis's defection of Talpa. Two, when Kento, Cye, and Sage are taken by the dynasty Rowen uses an arrow to signal that he requires their assistance to help Ryo. I feel like his arrows hold something special. Light, life, his energy, his knowledge, truth, I don't know, something that allows him to cross physical barriers. Something that connects hearts (perhaps a hats off to Eros) and ideas.

Sources: Apollo, Greek God of Light, Apollo and the Serpent Python

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