Rowen was born on October 10, 1973 this makes him a Libra and an Ox. My initial idea is that this makes him a very stubborn person that fights and does things for Justice! Everyone saw that coming, right? No? I haven't done my job then. I have to break this into sections; I get a little bit long winded. (Do I still need to point out puns and element references?)


According to some places, the Libra sign is one of the first signs that focus on others and how they relate to them. An interesting concept for Rowen who initially starts out at odds with his fellow ronin. At least, according to the Drama CD (Rowen states so himself). Still, Libras live for partnership. This fits Rowen well as he does go very well into the Ronin Group. He works better with people one on one than he does seem to in a group. He seems to talk much easier one on one as well. Perhaps because it is easier for him to work with a partner. In fact, many of Rowen's interactions that go awry are with larger groups.

Libras are represented by the scale which lends to the idea of balance. This is more than just in their lives though, they want balance and harmony for everyone. The truth is that they dislike conflict. Rowen dislikes conflict quite a bit but he can also be vengeful when his friends are hurt. Still, the majority of the time he prefers simple or quiet things. The only reason he keeps pushing for fighting is because someone needs saved. He will not leave his friends. Without them, he has no balance in his life. So, even though he dislikes conflict, he'd fight tooth and nail for his friends because he wants balance and what's right for them too. Since the Libra takes a long time to make a decision as they analyze it from every angle, they can come off as fickle or indecisive. They are born strategists and like to make sure every angle is covered. Libra does well in social settings and can be quite suave as they always know what to say to make people feel right. Unless they're Rowen and have no experience with people their own age before being thrown into a battle for humanity and life. When a Libra is on their game, they're charming and pleasant otherwise they may have a tendency to overstep boundaries (anger their friends and get punched in the chops). With time, Libras can most likely convince anyone of anything.

We're gonna save the guys!Two things heavily associated with Libras are air and knowledge (have we built a strong enough character around these two things yet). They like to use their knowledge and understanding of people. They use this to their advantage to reach a fair conclusion to conflict and debate. They always make their point and they do so in a way that is beneficial for all. This might be one reason Rowen was so set on waiting to enter the Dynasty and eventually talked hot-headed Ryo into examining every angle. This is most likely why Rowen insists that they can talk about Cye's lack of desire to fight after they save Ryo and Sage (their safety came first). Rowen is a careful and thoughtful planner; he explains his feelings when he needs to make a point for the sake of the group. His first thought might be getting everyone home safely. Even when faced with confrontation the Libra will most likely take a breath and step back. They are more likely to approach with a calm and cool mind before ever firing up.


The Ox is associated with the element of earth and is associated with loyalty, reliability, thoroughness, strength, being reasonably and steady, and determination. It can also symbolize perseverance. It is related to "hard work, materialism, methodical progress and rigid determination". The ox or bull is usually associated with being unrelenting and bull headed. In general, being reliable, loyal, thorough, reasonable, and determined are base traits that I feel fit with Rowen. Others also depend on him which I feel fits well with his Libra traits. He's not stubborn for the sake of being stubborn; he's stubborn because he has to find the best solution. Other than stubbornness (as there is so much more to the bull) the idea I like the most is that the bull stands for protection. It is known in ancient cultures as having been a protector against thievery and dark or nefarious deeds. Dear Ronin (all of which share the ox zodiac) thank you for your time and protection!

Sources: Libra Sun Sign - Zodiac Signs, Chinese Zodiac Signs and Meanings, Bull Symbols and Meaning of the Bull

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