- Summarized by the brilliant, Emrys

Gaius is tall, dark, and handsome. For that reason, I am not responsible for any typos made on behalf of or about his fine ass. He is very good looking (shush, Cherri-rin and Emi-rin, sometimes understatements are necessary). Despite that, I like Gaius for a lot of other reasons. Mostly because he's stubborn and believes completely in what he does. He believes he's right and that's enough! Although, being shirtless probably helps too. Probably. My older sister once told me that a man can be eye candy but that the wrapper can't just be flashy. The contents of the candy have to be good too. I believe that not only is the wrapper great but so are the contents. Gaius is brilliant to me because although he wants similar things to Milla and Jude, he has a completely different way of going about it. His pride to uphold his beliefs never wavers. I hope that one day, I can be as adamantine about my beliefs.

King Gaius A strong and proud warrior, Gaius is unflinching in his ideals. His resolve is sharper than steel and cannot be measured by the faint of heart. He will do anything and everything to uphold his ideals and will not let anyone stand in his way. He is an extremely skilled swords master and believes that running around in the coldness of Kanbalar helps to make him strong. He believes that hunting elite marks by oneself is the true test of a man. When the coliseum opens up, the only person who can match his enthusiasm is Leia Rolando. A true master of battle, Gaius believes in his strength alone. A powerful speaker and charismatic leader, he can be at odds with his feelings but always puts the needs of his people above all else. If he had to carry the world on his shoulders for his people to live the best and most fulfilling lives, he would.

As a child, Gaius won the Xian Du tournament at the age of twelve but was not recognized as the victor by the previous king. He went to war against Rieze Maxia and led a fairly successful campaign with a handful of men. He defeated the King of Auj Oule and united the clans. He banned the killing of opponents in the coliseum and started bringing the scattered people together. Gaius serves as the harsh realist to Jude's idealism in Tales of Xillia. Just as determined and self-sufficient as Milla, he can be to the point and unwavering in his ideas. He believes with every fiber of his being that the strong should lead the weak. His belief puts him at odds with Jude, who believes that not everyone can be strong. Not everyone has innate strength but everyone can do something. Milla also opposes Gaius in terms of believing that some human weakness is actually what makes them strong. Although Gaius serves as an antagonist for the first game, his desire is simply to present the best life For Rieze Maxians that he can.

King Gaius BOSS MODE At odds with Jude and Milla, Gaius simply wants to create a world where strong and just people are always doing what needs to be done. As a man of power, he is not corrupted by it. He holds a deep responsibility in his heart that dictates that he must make sure everyone is treated fairly and justly. He gathers the strongest of warriors to him, not because he needs body guards but because he knows they will follow his ideals. He needs strong people to help him achieve his goals. He gives Muzet purpose and becomes the man that can cut through dimensions. This allows him to travel to Elympios where he tries to stop them from stealing energy from Rieze Maxia. His general idea is to stop their dependency on spyrite and killing spirits.

Erston Outway After his defeat, he becomes the king of the united Rieze Maxia. In Tales of Xillia 2 he parades around as Erston Outway, a rich playboy. He tries to gain an understanding of Elympios and its people. His understanding of Elympion culture allows him to make better judgments to aid his own people. However, he feels that he cannot simply walk around as King Giaus. He insists on being called Erston and flat out ignores party members that address him as Gaius or Your Highness. He serves as a rational and solid point of advice for Ludger. He believes in building good communications with people but struggles with the ideas of friendship. When push comes to shove, despite having friendships, Gaius will always choose the safety and benefit of his people. As a leader, he sets aside his feelings and emotions for the sake of a greater good. His power is meant to protect and assist his people and for that reason, he still believes that those with strength should protect. He will always believe that the strong should bear the burden of carrying those that cannot carry themselves. Through this action, the weak are made stronger and then they take up the charge of the strong.

Now, that I've bored you with some ideas about his stubbornness, I just want to say that I adore Gaius because he's so resolved to follow his beliefs. Even when defeated, he believes in his own path. He believes that what he's doing is right. He will not waver and if you're man enough to beat him, then he'll listen to your thoughts. You must prove yourself strong to him. Strength of fist isn't enough. You must also have strength of heart and will. You have to know what you want to do and constantly move forward towards that goal. For Gaius that is true strength. His resolve and his admittance of his burdens as king are charming to me. He understands that he is bad with friendships and that his choices cause him grief through interpersonal communications. He knows that to have better friendships he must change. He is unable to sacrifice his ideals for the sake of a few or even for his own sake. He believes his role, his destiny, his entire life's being should be as a ruler that can and does care for his people. His strength allows him to do this. Through his actions and words he carries the world of Rieze Maxia on his shoulders, holding it higher than his own needs.