Here is a list of all the amusingly cliche things about Rowen of the Strata. One, I really liked the idea when Mikari did it. Two, because one of Ryo's specifically correlates to Rowen, I had to add this.

Archer Bishonen

Archer Archetype: I didn't choose "the man with the golden bow" just because it sounded cool. It does, mind you. Furthering the point, the archer archetype seems to be independent and capable of working alone. Although Rowen doesn't usually work alone, if he is alone the guys are fairly certain that he's a perfectly capable fighter. In fact, he also does well in close range combat in which he uses his bow as a sort of bludgeon weapon. It's a pretty effective tool.

Bishonen: I can elaborate on this but do I need to?

Life force, Believe  
I can Fly

Blow You Away: The Armor of Strata. Also Life Force: Rowen's armor is wind based, and his English virtue is life force. If you haven't been down to the Symbology section on wind some cultures also believe that wind is life. So, while some may be annoyed about the change, I feel that both knowledge and life force tend to fit.

I Believe I Can Fly: (Using his armor's power) Rowen is capable of flying as long as he wears his armor. He does so in the Tenkuden Drama CD, while he's fighting Kayura in the Dynasty, and again in the third OAV Message after he obtains his new armor.

StupidityObfuscating Stupidity: Rowen is often coined as Captain Obvious. More than that, I feel like he just says things that people don't catch the meanings of. He tends to sit back and wait or makes jokes which make people think he's not quite there or just not as involved. But the truth is he's thinking. He's just not loud about it. The best example of this is probably when he allows himself to be caught by the dynasty so that he can save the others. Kayura doesn't seem to realize that his getting beat up and losing is all part of a much grander plan to bring all of the ronin back together.

Blue Oni, Red Oni

Red Oni, Blue Oni: (Blue to Ryo's red) This usually pertains to contrast in terms of hot headed and cool headed. Of which Rowen offers counter balance, wisdom, advice, and caution to Ryo's burn-'em-up attitude. Rowen is patient and thoughtful in a different way than Ryo. Although they should butt heads more often, their respect for each other often finds compromise (usually with Rowen getting what he wants).

Smart Guy, Teen Genius,  
Gotta Have Blue Hair

The Smart Guy: One of five super cool guys with magic armor, his virtue (defining element) is knowledge. When the guys need advice on what the next battle plan might be, they look to Rowen.

Teen Genius: Reported IQ of 250, able to answer almost any question about any subject. Check! Good at all things technical and enjoys quiet things.

You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Of the guys, I'd argue that Rowen's is the only unnatural hair color (excluding the warlords who are supposed to be considered otherworldly). I think it's to help differentiate him from others (make him memorable). I suppose it doesn't matter too much for as far as realistic things happening there's a lot of mysticism that is actually prevalent in the show. Again, save for the warlords, I'd say the majority of people had a fairly normal range of hair colors and maybe that's what makes it odd.

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