While doing research for birth month flowers, I found that each zodiac also has a flower associated with it and that marigolds are particularly difficult to find symbolic information on. I've included both because I want to look at the traits. Plus, I really like flowers!

Marigold - October Birth Flower

The Marigold is the October birth flower for both US and British styles. According to the British Style of birth flowers, the Marigold represents warmth, fierceness, and exemplify elegance and devotion. Rowen can be cold but not because he means to. He is an extremely fierce fighter that usually opens with his finishing move. I wouldn't particularly call him elegant (although he can fly and floats through the sky, so maybe?), but he has devotion to his friends in spades (someone else appreciates this, right). Moving on before someone that gets the double joke throttles me. In the US style the Calendula/Marigold represents winning grace, protection, comfort, and healing. Here we go; I want to focus specifically on protection because he's a warrior that often fights for the sake of protecting others. Everything he does is for the safety of the ronin. I suppose that then winning grace fits into the formula if we're talking about winning with ease. If we mean that he wins grace, then this could mean that he's with grace often (which makes since as his roommate embodies grace). Not quite what we mean, right? I couldn't resist! As far as comfort and healing go, Rowen takes time to wait and see what happens. This is in part so that people can heal. He is calm and composed and his friends draw comfort from that, but Rowen struggles to be comforting. He usually ends up making someone mad. He tries to present clear and logical arguments to help everyone make sound decisions, but they don't see things with the clarity that he does. So, although he should be comforting he's actually angering. In some places, marigold can also mean desire for riches. But I think the only "riches" that Rowen wants is for his friends to be home and safe (friendship is better than gold).

Hydrangea - Libra Birth Flower

I love Hydrangea, I think they're really cool. And I'm about to drop a probably well known fact since I'm always the last one to find out really cool stuff. Based on the pH level of the soil, the hydrangea can and does change colors. It's just like the litmus tests we were required to do in science classes. Which means that the hydrangea can be, for instance, blue or red. This is something that I also think Rowen would find cool, since he's a big nerd like I am.

One meaning for them is Perseverance. Something that we already touched up on in the zodiac section. So, I already think that this particular trait fits Rowen. Next, it represents perfect balance and harmony. Naturally since Libra is the scales. "Romantic and charming, those born under this air sign are naturally kind and gentle." I believe this has more to do with the ability to talk well and disliking conflict - all of which were points in the Libra Zodiac. I think that the hydrangea fits more of Rowen's inner thoughts or ideas; he is quiet but he's out spoken to protect his friends. He dislikes conflict (gets tired of fighting) but does it to save his friends. I believe that in general, Rowen tries to be kind and thoughtful and often doesn't realize that others are focused on something else. So, while he's trying to be kind and comforting he's interpreted as being cold. The hydrangea is also cool because the petals have star like patterns (nope, I didn't miss that)! Intentional? I hope not, I like happy coincidences!

Sources: Birth Flower, Flower Meanings, Astrology of Flower Ideas

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