Why I Love Pooka

Pooka starts out as a cryptic guide. He becomes a steady companion and then he becomes so loyal that he would stake his entire existence on a twelve year old boy's thoughts and feelings. Pooka trusts Tim so much that he would do anything for him. I love that Pooka's loyalty is not based solely in his role as sub-spirit and link to the Guardians. The more time he spends with Tim, the more Tim goes against his preplanned role, the more that Pooka decides to support Tim. Pooka knows exactly what Tim is to do. However, he also lives to serve Tim and so he takes Tim's feelings and ideas into consideration even if he doesn't understand them. And let's face it, he probably didn't understand Tim's motivations at the very beginning. I feel that as Tim and Pooka lived together, talked together, and grew closer that Pooka didn't need to understand what Tim was thinking. He just knew how Tim was feeling. Those feelings helped shape Pooka into a stronger and more trusting companion.

Pooka is not just a plot point character either. He has a role within the party in battle and on the field as well. He is integrated into the lives of ARMs as another member. When he is spoken too, he answers. Pooka shares Tim's feelings about party members, I believe this is in part becaus the two are empathically linked. Pooka recognizes the three original ARMs members as Tim's protectors when Tim enters the Pillar Trial Grounds for the first time. For me, this states that the Guardians deemed Ashley, Brad, and Lilka as likely tools and protectors of their will.

There is much that Pooka doesn't understand. He has lived his entire life fulfilling the role and will of the Guardians. When Tim breaks from tradition Pooka supports him 100%. Pooka doesn't argue about it, he assures the Guardians that he will help Tim find his answers so that they may fulfill their roles to be very best of their abilities. Pooka claims not to have a sense of self, but he loves Tim. He needs Tim.

I love Pooka because he's adorable and fluffy. I love Pooka because he's supportive and loyal. I love Pooka because he and Tim are connected and they are the one of the cutest teams in any game I have ever played. They rely on each other and they support each other. Pooka may be very small, but he fills a big role in supporting Tim and helping him make decisions that others might find crippling. Pooka lives by his role of supporting the Pillar. For good decisions or bad decisions, Pooka will support Tim.