This is the too long, didn't read section for Xanxus. Everything informational, symbolic, and just walls and walls of text. I can't keep it short and simple. The man is 6'2" and complex as hell. He prevents it! ...Not funny? Yeah, Xanxus would never agree with you. Though, he'd never agree with me either! It's hard being that stubborn. The fact of the matter, though, is he is that stubborn.
Katekyou Hitman Reborn!
- The Prodigal Son
- Inheritence of the Second and Seventh
- Shaken Foundation that Make the Man
- Capabilities of a man with nothing to lose
- Center Stage, the roles he plays
- The Beast Within
- He's here which means ever Lost
- Things that might have been done before, only not as well
- Wrath
- X
Fight for Our Rights
- Vongola Ring Battles
- Future Arc, Ten Years Later
- Inheritance Ceremony
- Team Mammon really means Team Xanxus